
There’s a portion of society that believes “if they want our guns, we’ll fight to keep them”, meaning of course, fight the government. There’s a portion of our society that believes “we’ll take over city hall because black lives matters”. These sides come from mutually exclusive branches of our citizenry. Either of the above is anarchist and both, ultimately, will lead to the fall of America. Yet, if either group engages in either of the above, the other side of the coin wants the government to step in and take control. This boggles my mind. Both sides call the other side “nazis”, when in reality, the “nazis” are the jackbooted thugs that are laying in wait, anticipating the time they’ll be unleashed and allowed to institute martial law.

Authoritarians are the enemy, more so than communists (which I abhor) and socialists (abhor as much) – and I would love to be around when we get to start dropping commies from copters again. Most people don’t realize there’s four axis to the political spectrum, it’s not just right/left. There’s an upper side and a lower side. The upper side, usually depicted as “authoritarian” and the lower side being “libertarian”. Those on either the right or the left that are well above the mid-line and grade high in the authoritarian scale are the ABSOLUTE SCUM OF THE EARTH. Therein lies your Mao’s, Stalins, Lenins, Hitlers, Pol Pots, etc. etc. and therein lies your statists, communists, nazis, racists, KKK member, black panther member, etc. and therein lies the exact people that have committed almost every single crime ever committed against humanity. Authoritarianism is the single factor that every one these types of people hold in common. You’ll NEVER see a left or right leaning libertarian holding a grudge or attempting to dominate, but every single authoritarian will attempt to DEMAND everyone cow-tow to their way of thinking. Every. Single. Time.

Author: John Holstein