Freedom of Speech

In dealing with civil rights, I have primarily written about the U.S. Constitution in general, more pointedly toward some of the writings of the Founding Fathers and other 1776 Patriots, and of course, the 2nd Amendment. That doesn’t mean I ‘pick and choose’ which rights I support. I fully support our Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the other Amendments. These are the laws of the land.

I want to focus a bit more on the 1st Amendment.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

I am going to begin my 1st Amendment works on “Freedom of Speech”.

First and foremost, there are many, many different organizations and institutions out there that are “1st Amendment Advocates”. In many scenarios, these same orgs, when placed in a situation where the 1st Amendment could support other Amendments they disagree with, will waiver. I am not such a person. I have integrity. I am not going to do the research for you and show you a chronology of when this has occurred with these orgs in the past. This isn’t about them, it’s about me and what I hope to accomplish. You may call this an ad hominem attack on these orgs and it is not, it’s simply a statement from experience. I’ve seen it. If you need corroborating evidence, that’s on you, not me. Go find it.

As I said to a friend of mine a few moments ago….:

the difference between me and those like me, and them: i have integrity. i will defend to the death their right to say what they want. i will defend a person’s right to choose their own religion and practice it the way they want. they won’t stand up for my right to defend myself. same constitution, same bill of rights. they pick and choose.

I do not “pick and choose”. I am a Patriot. I believe in our Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the other Amendments and I will stand fast against all enemies, both foreign and domestic, that choose to go against those Rights and the fundamental rights of all Human Kind.

What prompted me to stand up and be counted on this particular day?

The above link cannot be posted on Facebook. I, and many like me, have tried. I have also went to the next level and created a HTML Meta Tag refresh on one of my sites,  to try and circumvent Facebook’s filters. This lasted about 3 minutes. I have now placed the whiterabbit URL as text into images and replaced both my Facebook profile image and cover photo with an explanation and the URL, to see if this will circumvent their filters.

The above isn’t text, so you can’t click on it. If I were to make it text, Facebook algorithms would read the URL and block this website page from being posted to my FB timeline.

Based on what Facebook said, linking to either “violates their community standards”. Hmmmm. Well, I posted a link to an attorney’s blog that wants the 1st Amendment repealed. This did not violate their policies, nor does the profile image of a woman engaged in hard core porn, which is publicly viewable. (click at your own risk: I accidentally came across that link when I was searching for one of my friends with the same name (not the same person) and saw what I thought was a hard core porn image, and sure enough, that’s what it is.

So, it’s acceptable to Facebook to post hard core porn and a site advocating for the repeal of the 1st Amendment, but it’s not ok to post a URL to a site that is well within the law pertaining to both Freedom of Speech and the 2nd Amendment. Really?

It’s been long said that Facebook is leftist. But this isn’t being just a Leftist folks. Liberals should and if they have integrity, usually advocate for all civil liberties. Many are biased and have no integrity, they “pick and choose” what they support. However, banning a 1st Amendment and 2nd Amendment linked URL is Authoritarian, not just leftists. There are Authoritarians on both the left and the right of the political spectrum. Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Castro, etc. etc. were all Authoritarians, they were seriously different in their other political ideals however.

Author: John Holstein